First attempts at 30k Imperial Fists
So, recently, I ended up looking at Loyalist legions for an alternative Horus Heresy army. After getting the Liber Astartes book and looking at the legions available, I ended up gravitating towards the Imperial Fists, as they seemed to be most in line with my play style. Now, it is said that yellow is a pain in the neck to pain, so I tried a couple of ways of doing it. The first two models I worked with were a formerly Ultramarine resin Leviathan Dreadnought and the second model was a plastic Praetor in Cataphractii Terminator armour (from the Betrayal at Calth box set). For these two models, I painted over the original body colour with Averland Sunset, then a bit of Yriel Yellow. WIth the Praetor, I applied a Nuln Oil wash, then tidied the yellow back up with Averland Sunset. Next, I did my first Imperial Fists infantry unit, in the form of a 5 man squad armed with flamers. This was done 'slapchop', primed in black, then drybrushed grey, then white at the top. After that, t...