Black Templars - other infantry units

 Here are some pictures of the other Black Templars Infantry units I built/ painted since startimg them in November 2022

5 man Assault Intercessor unit - Sergeant has a thunder hammer.

5 man Intercessor unit - Armed with auto bolt rifles and the Sergeant has a power fist.
Primaris Crusader unit 1 (shooty)- Sergeant has power axe & pyrepistol, Initiates have auto bolt rifles and 2 pyreblasters & Neophytes have bolt carbines.
Primaris Crusader unit 2 (close combat) - Sergeant has a power axe and the rest of the unit have bolt pistols and chainswords, accompanied by two power fists.

That, and the previous post cover the bulk of the infantry units that my Black Templar army have. Next post will feaure characters.
