Some new Black Templar units - A Chaplain, Storm Speeder, Heavy Intercessors and Assault Intercessors
So, this is me back to blogging under a new name - Evil Piggy Studio, to represent a new era. While blogging has been silent, the painting and building miniatures has not. Over the past 6 months, I have been building and painting Space Marines of the Black Templars chapter, as I thought I would try my hand at painting marines in black armour. This was also to do with someone on Instagram who set up a painting challenge and I took this as a chance to try something different.
The way I have been painting the black armour is after priming the model black, I paint over it with Abaddon Black, then an initial drybrush of Dark Reaper for first level highlighting, then a brighter highlight of Fenrisian Grey. I have usually painted the red areas with Khorne Red or Mephiston Red, followed by drybrushing with Evil Suns Scarlet or Wild Rider Red or Mephiston Red mixed with Averland Sunset. White areas have been painted using Rakarth Flesh followed by Corax White. When all of that is done, the whole mini is covered with a wash of Nuln Oil. The bases of the models usually have a brown rim, except for the unit leader (Sword Brother), whose base gets a red rim.
Here are pictures of models I have finished in the past few days:
Storm Speeder HammerstrikeI got these models ready for a game of Warhammer 40,000 on Sunday, May 7th at Marionville Models in Livingston. It was a 2,000 pts a side game against Dark Angels (which included the Primarch Lion'El Jonson). This ended in a Black Tenplars win and two units of Dark Angels left.
Finally, more pics will be coming soon of past & upcoming projects.
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