Welcome to Evil Piggy Studio!
Hello everyone, this is Evil Piggy Studio. This blog mainly covers content relating to Warhammer 40,000, Horus Heresy and Age of Sigmar armies that I am building/ painting models for. The main armies covered for Warhammer 40,000 are Dark Angels, Black Templars, Ultramarines, Adeptus Custodes and Death Guard. For Horus Heresy, I have an Iron Warriors army, Custodes models that are usable as Legio Custodes and the beginnings of an army of Imperial Fists.
So, this blog will feature pictures showing progress I am making in building/ painting models/ units for the games I play. I will try for one or two posts per month or two - it will depend on availability of painting time. At some junctures, I do the occasional kitbash/ conversion job to style some units/ characters on what I think is cool. I may also write about the way I went about painting certain models/ units or how a kitbash was created.
So, this blog will feature pictures showing progress I am making in building/ painting models/ units for the games I play. I will try for one or two posts per month or two - it will depend on availability of painting time. At some junctures, I do the occasional kitbash/ conversion job to style some units/ characters on what I think is cool. I may also write about the way I went about painting certain models/ units or how a kitbash was created.
While I do post pictures of stuff I build & paint in Instagram, Instagram does seem to have an aspect ratio issue which means that certain multi-model units only show some but not all memebers of that unit. Here, however, you will get to see the original picture (cropped to remove extraneous background).
To keep up to date with images of stuff I build/ paint, you can look me up on Instagram at @evilpiggystudio
That's all for this post - the next one will start to feature recently done models.
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