First 30k Iron Warriors and Sternguard Veteran done

So, I have begun painting & building the first models for my planned return to playing 30k as Iron Warriors. As yet, I have finished a 5 man unit of Cataphractii Terminators, as well as the first two 'tester' models in Mk3 armour, as shown below.

I am currently working on a couple of vehicles - a Contemptor Dreadnought and a Predator before going back to the infantry.

Also, in terms of other projects, I recently finished the first model for my Ultramarines Sternguard Veteran unit (1st model of a 5-man unit). The second one is almost complete (the sergeant).

The Vanguard veteran unit has a couple of models done for it and it will eventually get built up into a 5-man unit as well. (Makes a change from Terminators for 1st company marines).

Finally, I will get round to doing regular Ultramarine units (assault, tactical and devastator) when it is their turn, but that is all for the moment.
