First attempts at 30k Imperial Fists
So, recently, I ended up looking at Loyalist legions for an alternative Horus Heresy army. After getting the Liber Astartes book and looking at the legions available, I ended up gravitating towards the Imperial Fists, as they seemed to be most in line with my play style.
Now, it is said that yellow is a pain in the neck to pain, so I tried a couple of ways of doing it. The first two models I worked with were a formerly Ultramarine resin Leviathan Dreadnought and the second model was a plastic Praetor in Cataphractii Terminator armour (from the Betrayal at Calth box set).
For these two models, I painted over the original body colour with Averland Sunset, then a bit of Yriel Yellow. WIth the Praetor, I applied a Nuln Oil wash, then tidied the yellow back up with Averland Sunset.
Next, I did my first Imperial Fists infantry unit, in the form of a 5 man squad armed with flamers.
This was done 'slapchop', primed in black, then drybrushed grey, then white at the top. After that, the armour was painted using the Contrast paint Imperial Fist. The metal bits were painted using Iron Warriors/ Leadbelcher and gun casings were painted black, with Dawnstone dry brush and wash with Nuln Oil.
I am currently painting up a regular Legion Tactical squad, starting from a pink basecoat (Khorne Red + a white), drybrushing with lighter pink then white, then appling Imperial Fist contrast paint over the model for the yellow areas. I will post what this looks like soon.
Finally, I have been doing some kitbash conversions. The first set has been to try to create minor legion characters such as 2 Forge Lords and an Apothecary out of Mk6 Tactical Marines and other parts. The other kitbash has been to create Rapier laser destroyer guns from leftover twin lascannons from Land Raider Proteus kits (the lascannon arrays intended for Spartans?) and Kataphron Destroyers. For all of these, the models are built and will be on their way to being painted soon.
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